Thursday, July 2, 2009

dermatitis herpetiformis - SUCKS

So this isn't a glowy post about what wonderful food i've found. its a post about how bad i've been and the hooooooooorrible toll i'm paying now. Basically you can decude that lack of blogging = lack of interest & a lack of interest leads to a bad bad gluten FULL diet.

so what is dermatitis herpetiformis? Well you can click on the link for more, but basically it feels (& sorta looks) like poison ivy ~ itches like a MOTHER ~ and is caused by eating gluten products. Good times right. No worries ~ it gets better. Basically when your live 100% gluten free you can suppress the outbreaks but the second you fall off the bandwagon ~ BAM. And that is Good times.

So my options are pretty few. I can be 100% gluten free forever or take a drug. A drug that sucks so bad you must get blood tests every 3 mos to make sure you haven't completely ruined your body. No Thanks. GF may feel like a train wreck when you can't have that grilled cheese that your simply dying for ~ but actually dying at the hands of a pharm company...I'll pass.

Peter seems to think that if i do a GF detox my rash will have a shorter shelf life. I'm a little less optimistic but am seriously willing to try anything! we go! (again)

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